Searching High Video Shoot: Day Three of Three
Our first original song just got turned into a video. We're expecting our second to be the answer to the puzzle of cold fusion.
The video is completely done, and it may be the greatest thing ever committed to film- (not including news bloopers). Thanks to a small army of dedicated video people, this sucker turned out waaaaay better than any of us even dreamed. Wait till the premiere in early June..... the video is destined for great things. It may even be our next president.
Major major major thanks to Peter, Nate, Erin, Claire and the rest of Niteskool for taking Will and Jenny's nutty song and making it into a beautiful film in three busy, exciting, fun-filled days. After it was all over, we played a Carly Simon cover with Peter and the rest of the Niteskool gang on vocals. Then we played "Searching High" one last time as the crew destroyed the set like a school of piranhas, during which time a comically large piece of the set flew directly into Mark's crotch. The perfect way to end the perfect weekend.
What a wonderful time to be alive.
The video is completely done, and it may be the greatest thing ever committed to film- (not including news bloopers). Thanks to a small army of dedicated video people, this sucker turned out waaaaay better than any of us even dreamed. Wait till the premiere in early June..... the video is destined for great things. It may even be our next president.
Major major major thanks to Peter, Nate, Erin, Claire and the rest of Niteskool for taking Will and Jenny's nutty song and making it into a beautiful film in three busy, exciting, fun-filled days. After it was all over, we played a Carly Simon cover with Peter and the rest of the Niteskool gang on vocals. Then we played "Searching High" one last time as the crew destroyed the set like a school of piranhas, during which time a comically large piece of the set flew directly into Mark's crotch. The perfect way to end the perfect weekend.
What a wonderful time to be alive.
Everything that Alex writes is true.
I've never seen a warehouse packed with such warmth and awesomeness. Just, absolutely everyone who put this thing together, they're the best stinkin' bunch of people I think I've ever met and spent three days with. How bewildering and wonderful to have such kind and hardworking masterminds on your side, you know? I just can't even get my head around it.
WTH? Why does this still say "0 comments"? There are clearly two now, both from me.
I am lame.
Also, when you click on the "Link" link to read the comments, the videos graphics don't show up.
BARRY. When you open the Blogger template and change things, you always have to do ABSOLUTE links-- of relative links (graphics/videos.jpg). Sorry it's so inelegant, dude, but the blog is arranged into several different online folders, but operates out of only one template file. Please just do absolute linking next time.
By the way, yesterday I was uploading some mp3s, and we reached the maximum on the space at, so I lowered the disk limit of my own website. :( Don't forget that while copband has its own domain name, the space it takes up is borrowed from manufacturing mystique. :/
I don't think I've ever touched the template! Honest!
Yeah, I was trying to get the photos from the video shoot from Adam and that probably caused the limit. What is the actual total size limit?
Maybe the template blogger thing is related to hitting the limit.
It just had to do with changing the front page's navbar to show "Videos," on the blog's index template. No biggie.
I am drunk.
Oh yeah that makes sense because I added the videos link after the template was made and it was never added to the template.
I just took a few shots of Brandy.
See? Something like that. Ha!
I just got over my boozalicious headache.
What. WHAT. What, Alex, what. Say it. Say it to my face: Nerdalicious.
...Um, today I'm not drunk.
I'm gonna call NERD on Alex for not being drunk.
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